Tuesday, May 01, 2012

17 months

It's official. Anna Kate is no longer a baby. Technically, she's been a toddler now for a few months, but it really seems as of late that she is just such a little girl! The past few weeks have been so much fun watching her grow, learn, and engage more and more. She is repeating so many words now and it seems daily she adds something new to her repertoire. We also very well may be entering the world of "I do it myself." Almost every trip up and down the stairs takes 30% longer with her wanting to climb up and down herself. I just have to remind myself to slow down and let her learn/explore/do! Our "safe spots" on tops of side tables and shelves are starting to be in her reach and with her climbing couches, not much is out of her abilities!

One of my absolute favorite things is to stand from another room and watch her play. She will flip through books (stopping to study each page), sing/dance with Violet, hug her dolls and say "awww," and show off her vacuuming skills by maneuvering her toy vacuum through the house. I would love to know what she is thinking in those moments! Soon enough, I know :D.

The weather has been quickly heating up, so we've been spending as much time as possible playing outside before the crazy Houston summer gets too extreme! She loves climbing all over the playscapes and will grab our hands for us to walk/climb around with her. It seems to depend on her mood, but she has gone down the big slides quite a few times by herself. She'll start out with a smile, turn a bit apprehensive, and then another big smile at the bottom. I think we may have a dare-devil on our hands!

A few weeks ago was my nephew, Colson's, Spring Program at his pre-school. Anna Kate absolutely loved watching the kiddos sing and dance and was getting her bouncy/jumpy/dancing groove on in Mimi's lap most of the show!

Jamming with Mimi at cousin Colson's Spring Program

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