Monday, December 19, 2011

12 months, 1 year!

As I read over your monthly updates from the past year, I love seeing that you have had your amazing and spunky personality from day one. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13

You are our amazing daughter, our blessing. Each and every one of your days is held in His hands, and in that, I take great comfort. "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

What a year! Could a year have possibly already gone by with you in our lives? No. Simply not possible! You are my sunshine. I love our days together, but I also love our time apart. When I come to pick you up at the nursery at church or the gym, I love watching you for a minute playing and having such a great time with your "friends" before you see that I am standing there. I have to admit, it's kind of neat to see you abandon anyone and everything you are playing with to come rushing over to me. I pray that someday you do the same when God calls you to Him. Drop any and everything and run into His arms. To tell the truth, I pray the same for your daddy and me :).

This month has been such an amazing time of development for you. You took your first steps just a few days shy of your first birthday. Walking is definitely still not your primary mode of transportation, but you get a huge kick out of walking in between your daddy and me as we both scooch further and further apart. You are also definitely expanding your vocabulary and love to say "hi kitty" when Cassy walks by. You'll say "hi" to the doggies too when they walk by as well as people we pass while out and about. It's neat for us to see that you are finding new ways to express yourself and let us know what you want. We had a few rough days while your two top teeth made their way on the scene, but they are here and helping you try new and fun foods.

You have such a shining and fun personality. You love to laugh and to get others to join in the fun. You love being tickled and smooched and give the occasional smooch back. Books are very much starting to be one of your favorite things. I'll walk into your room and find you sitting on the floor turning and running your fingers across the pages of one of your favorites.

One of the first of many "how do we guide/correct her behavior" conversations also took place in our house this month. You have taken to throwing your food at every meal. Let me tell you, it isn't very cute ;). Today seems to be going better after a few days of consistency in our reaction, let's hope for the best! This has definitely served as a reminder to your daddy and me that our God is much slower to anger than we are. We disobey God all too often, and He guides us back to obedience. We hope to be able to do the same as we raise you and continue to keep God's grace and Word as our guide.

We love you, sweet baby girl, and look forward to all that year two has in store!

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