Our house is under contract! Yayayayayay! No more cleaning like a mad woman every time we leave the house, no more chasing a toddler around saying don't touch this or that. It's time to get back to living and letting others live :D! We have been in this house our entire marriage and our entire parenthood (thus far), so in a way, we will be sad to leave this place. But in so many other ways, we are ready to move on. Before we go, there are a few favorite spots we need to hit and a few spots that I've planned on hitting and never have. Let's start the list:
1. That thrift store. What's the name? Anyway...that one.
2. BRC. Been there for drinks, but never eats.
3. Westheimer antique shops. Been, but it's fun to stroll with the fam.
4. Dolce Vita - yuuuum.
5. J. Blacks
6. Memorial Park picnics
7. Bayou walks
8. Laredo Taqueria breakfast tacos
I'll update with pics when each item is crossed off the list and there very well may be more added once I consult the hubby. I know it's the season for Fall bucket lists, but there isn't time for both and we've already been to a pumpkin patch :).
Cruz-ing Again on Christmas Week
9 years ago
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